Asmat decided to apply for the Civic Leadership Program in order to improve her knowledge and skills. She says she had thought of proposal development as a daunting task, an attitude that she managed to change with the knowledge acquired through her participation in the Civic Leadership Program: “Living far from the centre we have little access to information. Civic Leadership Program provided an opportunity to make ourselves familiar with grant application and writing process, and as a member of LAG Grants Committee, helped me boost my knowledge and resources. I have already started actively applying this knowledge in practice. We boast our very first successful attempt with a grant that we received from the US Embassy.”
Asmat says relationships established with the participants of the Program are no less important than practical skills and knowledge. “I got to know great 18 individuals who I keep in touch with. I know who to contact if I need to cooperate with someone in Zugdidi or elsewhere outside Khulo.”
Asmat wants to further contribute to the development of her region and continues to work in that direction. “I am happy to make my little contribution to Khulo’s development and glad to see my fellow citizens appreciate this.”