CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia

The European Union (EU) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) funded project ‘Civil Society STAR Initiative: CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia’ aims to strengthen civil society as an independent, sustainable, transparent, and accountable development actor across Georgia. 

The project has three specific objectives:

  1. To improve the political and financial framework and environment for the sustainable development of civil society in Georgia, and to promote a corporate social responsibility (CSR) culture. 
  2. To reinforce the links between CSOs and their constituencies through the active promotion of civic values, participation, and community engagement. 
  3. To build capacities of CSOs inclusively, in particular oversight and advocacy skills, and to institutionally strengthen the civil society sector countrywide.

The project is implemented by the Consortium led by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and composed of the following CSOs: Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG), Civil Society Institute (CSI), Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC), Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC), and Institute for European Politics (IEP).

‘The Civil Society STAR Initiative’ builds on the experience and lessons learned of the EU-supported action ‘Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative (CSSIGE 2017-2020).


University course “Role of Civil Society”

CSO Performance Lab

Support local CSOs to foster public accountability

Project Description

Civil Society has become an increasingly important political and social actor in Georgia. Therefore, support to and engagement with civil society in all of its diversity is an essential part of the EU programming in Georgia. The Civil Society STAR Initiative is the major project implemented with the EU and KAS support and targeting several key dimensions of civil society development: its environment, organizational and institutional capacities, linkages to other actors and the broader public, social activism, and public participation. 

The ultimate goal of the project is to strengthen civil society as an independent, sustainable, transparent, and accountable development actor across Georgia. To this end, we have an ambition to mobilize around 80% of the active CSO-community in Georgia (800 CSOs, including approximately 150 CBOs, as well as initiative groups, and other forms of grassroots). Our special targets are youth and schoolteachers (up to 3000 and 600 individuals respectively), up to 5000 social activists and citizens, including the elderly and those from vulnerable groups. The project also targets approximately 200 public authority representatives (including all levels of authorities), 100 business entities, and 250 media representatives. The action will involve eight universities across the country, both public and private.

Specific objective

While supporting civil society in becoming a relevant development actor, we apply a holistic approach consisting of three interrelated dimensions, each corresponding to one specific objective. 

First, within the external dimension, we contribute to a further improvement of the political and financial framework for civil society; in particular, by advocating for a transparent and trustful state funding for CSOs, by promoting and piloting innovative alternative funding mechanisms such as community foundations or crowd-funding, and by promoting the further development of CSR culture.  

Second, within the intermediary dimension, our action strives to strengthen links between CSOs and their constituencies through promoting civic values, public communication about the work of CSOs, and working with the society on its actual needs. 

Third, within the internal dimension, we will capacitate individual organizations as well as CSO networks for better fulfilling their functions and becoming role models for accountability and transparency.

Expected results

The Initiative strives to produce five types of outputs linked with the abovementioned three specific objectives. 

First, we support the authorities, that they meet their commitments within the Open Government Partnership Initiative and improve the regulatory framework for CSOs’ sustainable development, in particular regarding transparent and trustful public funding for civil society. 

Second, we will pilot new funding mechanisms for a civil society like community foundations and crowd-funding, boost the cross-sector partnerships especially among CSOs and businesses, and improve CSR culture in the country. 

Third, our action will increase trust in and recognition of CSOs by other stakeholders and the broader public. 

Forth, the capacities of individual civil society actors will be enhanced in the organisational and core operational areas,

And fifth, the CSO networks will become more impactful and therefore resilient in all regions of Georgia.


Civic leadership learning programme

Civic leadership learning programme

Civic leadership learning programme

EU-supported action ‘Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative (CSSIGE 2017-2020)